Showing posts with label How to Complete Dissertation In 48 Hours. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How to Complete Dissertation In 48 Hours. Show all posts

Thursday, 18 June 2020

How Students Can Write Complete Dissertation In 48 Hours?

How to Complete Dissertation In 48 Hours
We just get lost in life sometimes. Yes, we all know it, we all have been there. After a while, we realize that we need to do important tasks. But until the time this realization comes to us, we have already lost much time. Now, we can just save ourselves by working day and night. Let us just make this clear that this is a bad habit. The work we do at the last minute can never be as good as it could have been. Students have a habit of procrastinating things. They get so involved in their social or professional life that they forget what is important. Students leave their dissertations to the last minute.

They either waste their whole year just chilling or have other assignments going on. The dissertation is an important document that you need to submit at the end of the year. You cannot get your degree if you fail to submit it on time. The deadline is another issue. Deadlines are rigid. Okay so now you have just two days left in the deadline. You need to submit your dissertation in the next 48 hours. Yes, we completely understand the pressure you must be feeling. Let us get to the point. Do not get worried, you can still save your degree as either you have to write dissertation on your own or buy dissertation online from some best writer. We have a few tips and tricks to write a complete dissertation in 48 hours. Yes, you heard it right. Just follow the tips listed below:

Get Prepared:
You need to write your dissertation in 48 hours is a horror story itself. As scary it may sound but you need to gather your nerves. The first thing is acceptance. You need to make yourself understand that you have just two days left. The important thing is the realization of not panicking. Just remember that if you get anxious you will not be able to work. It is more of an emotional stress than physical. No, we are not saying that it will not be physical stress. You need to work for the next 48 hours straight without any sleep. You need to lock yourself up in the room and work on it. For the next two days, you will have no time to cook food or to go out.

This is why you need to make preparations in advance. Just go to the market, buy important stuff like food or things you need for a dissertation like books or notes. Cook some food before working. You will not have any time to waste. Feed yourself energy-boosting foods. Get into something comfortable like clothes in which you feel comfortable. Set up your space. It means that a place that is not so comfortable that you end up sleeping. Dedicate a separate space like a table or chair. Turn off your mobile phone, deactivate, or get away from your social media account. In short, eliminate anything from your space that may prove to be a distraction.

Start Writing:
now you have almost completed your preparations. You have stocked up on every material that you might need in the next 48 hours. By then you do not have time for brainstorming. We hope you have your topic approved by your supervisor. If you have it just sticks to it. You need relevant data to write your dissertation. You have collected some relevant books from the library. Check them out. See if there is any information that you need for writing. If you think you need more data just go find it on the internet?

There are a lot of e-books available on the internet. Many online databases are available to get information like Jstor etc. you can get anything from books, websites to newspapers. Check some dissertations submitted by your seniors. Strictly follow the guideline or format approved by your university. The structure of the dissertation is almost the same in every subject. You start with abstract, literature review, introduction, the main body then end it with a conclusion. Bibliography or references are added to the last page of your dissertation.

We understand that after writing for straight two days you do not want to read it. Editing is as important as writing your dissertation Never submit the first draft of your dissertation. Do not feel relaxed if you have finished writing your dissertation by then. Plagiarism is a serious offense that you do not want to commit. You can even get expelled for this crime. Do not take any chance and go check some online plagiarism checking tools. Make sure your content is original. Now start proofreading it. Check your dissertation for any spelling, vocabulary, or grammar mistakes. You can even ask a friend for help at this stage. But do not skip it at any cost.